Matt Phillips
Pulp writer.

Matt Phillips lives in San Diego. His books include A Good Rush of Blood, To Bring My Shadow, The Rule of Thirds, You Must Have a Death Wish, Countdown, Know Me from Smoke, The Bad Kind of Lucky, Accidental Outlaws, Three Kinds of Fool, Redbone, and Bad Luck City. Short fiction has appeared or been anthologized in Weren't Another Other Way to Be: Outlaw Fiction Inspired by the Songs of Waylon Jennings, Dead-End Jobs: A Hitman Anthology, The Eviction of Hope, Tough Vol. 1, Mystery Tribune, Retreats from Oblivion, Yellow Mama, Shotgun Honey, Flash Fiction Offensive, Tough, Near to the Knuckle, Powder Burn Flash, Pulp Metal Magazine, Manslaughter Review, and Fried Chicken and Coffee.
Matt earned an MFA in creative writing from the University of Texas at El Paso.
Email: phillips.matt.writer[at]gmail[dot]com